Minutes of the 11th Annual General Meeting of the CVRDA
27 August 2011
Held at Whitefriars Sailing Club during the weekend of the Annual Nationals
1 Apologies received from Keith Rollinson, Roger Devereaux, Ed Bremner, Alan Willams
2 Minutes of the 11th AGM proposed to be accepted by Rupert Whelan, seconded by Lois Barlow
Accepted and adopted, by vote
3 Committee. The following were voted in:
Commodore –Rupert Whelan
Secretary – Chris Barlow
Treasurer – Lois Barlow
Webmaster – Pat Jones
Cats and Lost Classes – Alan Williams
Membership sec. – Garry Rucklidge
Fixtures Roger Devereaux.
General posts Peter Vinton and Keith Rollinson
4 Constitution was voted to be modified to align the club’s financial year to the membership year. The last line of section 11 to read “…to fall due on 1st August”
5 Rupert lead a discussion about membership. Ideas put forward by the meeting included a members only section of the website possibly including a for sail section. Most felt is was best to keep it freely available to all but to encourage the payment of the voluntary membership fee and to make this a bit more formal ( to ensure costs are covered).
It was noted these that attendance was little down from previous years. Members who attended Bosham Classic Boat regatta praised it and suggested it was a good model and although it was not a CVRA event as such should be supported. Combining with Vintage or Classic events is successful for everyone.
Banbury (mainly a Merlin with CVRDA) event was cancelled due to lack of water.
Clywedog held another highly successful event;well supported as usual.
7 Membership
Enquiries continue. It is worth making the effort to encourage past members to rejoin.
Continues to be well used and very active. Events info is being kept up to date. The Dinghy Database is continuing to expand. The moderators are continuing to keep an eye on things though there has been less need to intervene this year. Thanks to Pat for her work.
Date of next meeting: Next year at the Nationals.
Meeting closed 6.50 (but started later than advertised !)