The Classic and Vintage Racing Dinghy Association (CVRDA) has extended their definition of old boats to include all those built before 1990 of dinghy and catamaran classes designed before 1965.
This means many more boats from the classic classes are eligible to race at CVRDA events, including for example, more pre- Canterbury Tales Merlin Rockets (boats up to number 3441), National 12s up to number 3334, Solo up to 3679, OK up to 2039, Firefly up to 3562, Wayfarer up to number 8828, YW Dayboats up to 618 and Albacore up to number 7752.
Plus we now include a limited number of classes established between 1965 and 1975 with boats built before 1990 that fit the ethos and find it hard to compete in the modern sailing scene. These classes are: Contender (aluminium rig only); Devon Yawl; Javelin; Lark; Marauder; Miracle; Phantom (aluminium rig only) and Streaker. Plus several catamaran classes. So Javelins up to number 547 are now able to join in the fun.
The unusual, unsuccesful designs are not forgotten either. Also welcome are lost classes, those designed after 1965 but before 1990 which are no longer in production and their associations have ceased to exist (or never existed). As long as the boat was built befroe 1990 they are welcome so in recent years events have seen the Harrier, the Hit, the Unit and several other unusual classes out racing.
But it isn’t all racing. Anyone who just wants to cruise is welcome and the social side is important. The majority of events are full weekend events with on site camping and camper parking available, evening meals and time to talk about boats, get advice and chat with like minded sailors. But those who can only come for the day are still very welcome. Anyone unsure if their boat is eligible should contact the CVRDA via the website – details below.
The CVRDA also aims to encourage and support class associations which provide racing specifically for older boats either with age related handicaps or as a classic fleet and to support struggling eligible class associations including by providing for a Nationals within one of our events, something which has been successful for the Pegasus, Minisail and Lowrider International Moth classes. Any class association interested should make contact, usually through this website.
Any one is welcome to come along to any of our events as long as your boat qualifies! You don’t have to be a member to join in the events although membership is only £10 and this pays for this website which has full details of events and there is always more information and discussion and help available on the free-to-join wide-ranging forum at Often a question can be answered with a simple search of the forum discussions and a contact form is available for particular enquiries and will send them to the correct person.
There is also a popular FaceBook group at for lighter discussions.
CVRDA events are all about getting the old boats on the water, whether beautifully varnished wood, restored to original glory with cotton sails or tatty fibreglass just pulled out of the dinghy park for the first time in years. We love them all.