CVRDA Christmas Quiz

This quiz is a little different from those we have had in the past. Google has made traditional quizzes difficult to set, so I have decided that, rather than try and make the quiz un-googleable, I have gone a totally different route.

All the answers to this quiz can be found on the main cvrda site – somewhere! None are from the forum – that way lies madness…

Not sure how long it will take to do, but if you get distracted as I did when writing the quiz by all the interesting things you find, discovering the origins of the cvrda and reading about some great ways of looking after your pride and joy, you may find it takes a while!

Please send answers to [email protected], and please try and avoid posting them on the forum – it spoils the quiz for others!

The winner will be announced on the weekend after Christmas. In the event of a draw, the email I received 1st will be the winner. The judge’s decision will be final, but I am happy to argue about any of the answers on the forum once the quiz is over…


  1. Who is our President?
  2. Where was the 1st cvrda rally held?
  3. Which boat won the “fastest boat” prize at that rally?
  4. Where and in what year was our 1st salt water based event?
  5. What is the cvrda definition of a Vintage Wing boat?
  6. In what year did a Minisail first win a trophy at the National Rally?
  7. What boat did Gerald Durbin and David Miles design in 1959?
  8. What name did our first Commodore think would have made a better one for the 18ft Jollyboat class?
  9. Which class is described thus: “Attention is drawn to the sail plan. Here three factors are to be considered. First, to be a good racing dinghy the boat should have a full compliment of sails. Main, Genoa, and spinnaker, secondly, the sails should be as large as the boat can comfortably carry, and thirdly the boom kept as high enough to make taking and gibing comfortable.”
  10. Who has been seen French kissing his decks, and why?